Don't Go Outside
Three guys...Three microphones. What's the worst that can happen? A podcast where we discuss movies, TV, and life in general. It can get messy!
85 episodes
Episode 85 – Merry Christmas You Filthy Animals
It’s that time of year again. Doesn’t it half come round quick!? That time when we all say that it’s doesn’t feel at all Christmassy. But its here so deal with it. So, to continue the un-festive feel, this episode sees Pete talk about his...
Episode 85
Episode 84 – Living In Eternia
What are sweetbreads? What is a Bisto dip? Does Eternia have a DFS? These are just some of the questions asked in this meaty episode as Pete gets busy chomping on a cows face, Dean tries to buy Slipknot tickets and Al discovers, muc...
Episode 84
Episode 83 – Nutty Putty Hell Hole
There are many ways to go. Most of us would like to think that we’ll slip away in our sleep at a ripe old age, surrounded by family and loved ones. But some, misguided, adventurous fools, will die screaming while being nadgered by a shark, or f...
Episode 83
Episode 82 - The Tube Nut Whisperer
There’s nothing more attractive than a man who knows how to handle his tool. A man who knows his Tube Nuts from his flange bolt thingy. Yes, creating fire from scratch can be impressive, but can you use a bubble wotsit to sort that wonky shelf?...
Episode 82
Episode 81 - Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself
Now look here. DGO are not ones to preach (much), but now and again there are important topics that need to be addressed and the stigma around men getting their prostate checked is one such issue. Yes…we’ve gone there.But it’s not all se...
Episode 81
Episode 80 – The Big Five
In order for any society to thrive there needs to be stability, an order to things. You can’t have people changing things willy-Nilly, making up their own rules and challenging the Status Quo when they feel like it. Well, you can whe...
Episode 80
Episode 79 – The Devil’s Glow Sticks
Want to hear Dean talk about his trip to New York? “Fuhgeddaboudit!” Want to hear Allen’s secret to making the perfect ‘slaw’? “Hey! I’m walking here!”This episode has these, and other bits, cleverly edited together to make t...
Episode 79
Episode 78 – Oh, The Hugh Manatee!
Birthdays are something to celebrate. Whether you go for a family meal, a classy wine tasting or a naked bungee jump in the Aldi carpark, they should be treasured. Especially when you get to the age of these three codgers. As Dean m...
Episode 78
Episode 77 – A Henchman’s Gonna Hench
“I’ll be back.” “Get to the chopper!” “I did not get my maid pregnant.” These are just a few quotes from arguably one of the greatest action stars, and indeed Arnolds, of all time…Schwarzenegger!From his best bangers to his worst clanger...
Episode 77
Episode 76 - The Frothy B'stard
We all love walking into our favourite pub. The friendly barman / woman pouring you a well-earned pint of your usual / small sherry, putting your favourite song on the jukebox, pig snacks in hand waiting for the wave machine to start. Bliss!
Episode 76
Episode 75 – Tutankhamoooon!
This episode takes us to the land of the Pharaohs, the Great Pyramids…The home of the Mummy! What is an Egypt? We’ll find out.In other matters, Allen suffers a dirty great spider bite, but unfortunately is not imbued with the super-power...
Episode 75
Episode 74 - Kiss Of The Vampire
As Dean and Pete say goodbye to their long time top band Kiss (for the second time), and Allen laments on the demise of The Arctic Monkeys, our thought take a darker turn. We hark back to those late nights, many years ago, when your parents let...
Episode 74
Episode 73 – Talking about A.I, Aye Eye?
Have ever had the feeling that you’re not alone? That someone might be listening in to your conversations? Ever wondered how you only have to mention to someone that you might be thinking of buying a new pair of trainers, only to find your soci...
Episode 73
Episode 72 – Death Race
We all remember our first car. Whether it was a rusty old hand me down, or brand new straight of the garage forecourt, the bond with your first motor is one that you take to the grave. Unless you die in a fireball crash on the M6 motorway…then ...
Episode 72
Episode 71 - Skool Daze
For some, school was an idyllic time, full of laughter, games and an enjoyable way to quench that never-ending thirst for knowledge. For others it was grim prison sentence, full of forgotten homework, painful wedgie’s and an unparalleled awkwar...
Episode 71
Episode 70 – The Bucket List
As we creep every closer to our inevitable demise, let us reflect on what we have achieved. Some of us, I’m sure would have done great things, seen unimaginable sights, traveled the globe and will rest easy knowing that they have made the world...
Episode 70
Episode 69 – Bad To The Bone
As a controversial Pop megastar once asked…Who’s bad?Some might answer “You Michael”, while other, blindly optimistic, people would look to the wide, wide world of TV and film for their answer. And well they might, as we all love a good ...
Episode 68 – Beef Encounters Of The Herd Kind
Look…We’ve all got holes in our pop cultural education. Admit it. Have you ever pretended to like a band you’ve never heard of, or a film you’ve never seen? Of course you have…and so have your friends. Yes. ESPECIALLY that one! So l...
Episode 68
Episode 67 – A Right Royal Rumble
This episode was recorded during the heatwave of last year’s commonwealth games so forgive Allen’s excitement and he hails a cab straight into the heart of London to find himself a Ladyboy. Late to the party again, Pete takes his first Uber rid...
Episode 67
Episode 66 - The Fine Young Cannibal
They say never meet your heroes…or see your favourite band 30 years passed their prime! Dean explains why he learned this the hard way. We talk music related movies, cannibalistic actors, and who you would get to play you in a movie of your lif...
Episode 66
Episode 65 – Four Footlongs and A Warwick Davis
In this LONG awaited epidsode we talk space. Deep space and what might (or might not) be floating around in it. Could there be life on Mars?The group is split but there’s always the camel beauty pageant to take are mind off things.
Episode 65
Episode 64 – Merry Christmas Lenny Barava
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…the week after Christmas. So now the turkey has gone and we’re down to the last six boxes of chocolate, we can relax, unwind and listen to these three goons chat about all things festive.You want ...
Episode 64
Episode 63 - Eye Of The Tatter
The week we lost Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (Mam as in jam), the guys take time to reflect on what was, to some, a fittingly right Royal send off, but to others a huge waste of tax payers money in a time of financial crisis and uncertainty....
Episode 63